Mega Slim Body


MegaSlim Body is created for the safest process of losing weight and preventing obesity. It has an effective effect on excessive subcutaneous fat, visceral obesity (fat deposition on internal organs), as well as in deep subfascial fatty layer (fat accumulation in problem areas based on a person's gender). A feature of this product is the ability to use it at any age. Efficiency is combined with safety and absence of side effects.

Release form: capsules for oral administration.

Type: nutraceuticals

Taste: no taste

Package quantity : 30 pcs.


When taken prophylactically, it has a lipoprotective effect - it blocks the accumulation of fat cells, enhancing and accelerating the process of lipid oxidation (the entry of fat cells into the bloodstream, with which it is transferred to the muscles, where they are burned).

When fighting visceral, subcutaneous and subfascial fat, active lipolysis processes are triggered, as well as the release of the main hormones that are responsible for the process of losing weight - adrenaline and norepinephrine . When e is included in the action of beta receptors, which accelerate the release of the fat cells and reduced activity of alpha receptors which slow down this process.

Additional properties

In addition to their direct purpose - burning fat, the constituent components contribute to the normalization of digestion , accelerate the processes of food breakdown into proteins, fats, carbohydrates and their absorption, and they also contribute to the elimination of toxins and toxins from the body.

Side effect

The occurrence of allergic reactions and the manifestation of increased individual sensitivity to the constituent components is possible.

Mega Slim Body


The main active ingredient in the product is green tea extract - it blocks the very alpha receptors that prevent the breakdown of fat cells. A highly concentrated extract is obtained from unfermented leaves of the plant, without using heat treatment or artificial catalysts, thus maintaining the original biochemical composition, which provides the beneficial properties of this component.


  • pineapple fruit extract - reduces appetite, helps better absorption of proteins. As part of this component, the main active ingredient is bromelain, an enzyme that actively breaks down fat cells. It has the ability to enhance the functional activity of the intestine, remove metabolic products and toxic substances from the body, maintain the necessary composition of the microflora of the large intestine, thereby stimulating the metabolic process.

  • artichoke leaf extract - has a choleretic, diuretic, diuretic, hepatoprotective, detoxifying effect on the body due to the presence of cynarin, chlorogenic and caffeic acids, pectin, inulin, carotene, organic acids, potassium, vitamins and mineral salts in its composition. All these components help to improve metabolism, cleanse the body, normalize the digestive process when eating fatty foods and carbohydrates, regenerate tissues of internal organs, regulate cholesterol metabolism

  • ginger root extract - the main pronounced effect of ginger for weight loss is due to the ability of the root to enhance thermogenesis - the production of heat that accompanies all processes occurring in the body. In addition, the pronounced antiseptic properties of ginger reduce the risk of intestinal infection, it helps to fight the attacks of nausea and acts as a remedy for irritable bowel syndrome. The root's ability to neutralize gases accumulated in the digestive system also increases the slimming value of ginger, helping to achieve a "flat stomach" feeling.

  • Hibiscus flower petal extract - stimulates the production of gastric juice - prevents food stagnation and inadequate digestion, promotes good bowel cleansing, improves peristalsis and promotes good bowel cleansing.

Method of administration and dosage

According to the manufacturer, the best time to take the capsule is one hour before bedtime. You must take one capsule before going to bed on a daily basis for at least 30 days to achieve the desired weight loss results. drink plenty of water. It is advisable to drink a glass of clean non - carbonated water before use.

The duration of the course of admission depends on the BMI (body mass index) and the desired result, calculated individually.

  • The minimum course with a prophylactic admission or slight overweight is from 40 days.

  • An effective course of administration in the fight against subcutaneous, visceral and fat - from 2 months.

  • The maximum course is designed to combat excessive overweight, subfascial fat and obesity of various stages - 2.5 months.

To consolidate the result, it is recommended to undergo a second course - not earlier than 3 months after the end of the main course, but not later than 6 months of a break.

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